Welcome Back to all new and returning KandidKaveena customers!
We are beyond excited to have our services open again! And have some phenomenal things in store........
So Welcome to KandidKaveena 2023........ (time for some announcements)
Charitable Work
As many of you know one of KandidKaveena's key focuses is giving back to the community, and those in need. Which is why we are focused on helping
"Women Aware - Moving Beyond Abuse" and
"Project Freedom"
two non-profit organizations working relentlessly to help those in need!
With your help we can begin to make a difference in the uplifting of society. You can help support our vision by donating (info below) or spreading the word and sharing this newsletter!
(Scroll down to learn more about both organizations and how you can donate today!)
Women Aware
Women Aware is a nonprofit organization.
That focuses on domestic safety for all individuals regardless of sex, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or expression.
The organization started in 1981, in Middlesex, NJ and has prospered since then.
To learn more about the foundations of this organization and learn more click Here. Tap Here to donate through KandidKaveena.
Project Freedom
Project Freedom is a nonprofit organization, that focuses on removing housing barriers, for people with disabilities. Click HERE to learn more about Project Freedom. Or click HERE to donate through KK today.
KandidKaveena offers customized services for people and businesses in need of specialized products such as business cards, posters, pens, planners, calendars, etc.). Book a consultation HERE or go to our graphic design tab under services on the KandidKaveena website.
Visit: kandidshop to pre-order now
Look out for next month's newsletter
- KandidKaveena Team